This premium quality, signed, limited edition lithograph is available for purchase below.
THE “2 SKATE-N” STORYOne day Jack was at the Stonington, CT dock watching the 55’ dragger “Seafarer” unloading her catch. As the deck hand was washing down the deck after the unloading, he washed this 4” skate out from under a deck board. Jack asked him if he could have it. He said sure and threw it up to him. (he had already given Jack a 12” Sanddab and a 15” Skate). At home after the rubbing session for the two larger fish was over, Jack and his wife Joan tried to make a rubbing of the small Skate. They wanted to see how a fish that small would come out. After a short period of time, they managed to make a few rubbings that looked pretty good. Before cleaning up and putting the tools, ink and paper away, Joan said she would like to try adding a second fish to one of the single rubbings they had just made. After a few tries, they succeeded. They had put two nice 4” Skate rubbings on the same sheet of paper. This is how the “2 Skate-n” came to be. |